@article{NPuntoA1063, title={Tratamiento Fisioterápico De La Escoliosis Idiopática Mediante Ejercicio Terapéutico}, journal={NPunto Volumen III. Número 31. Octubre 2020}, author={NPunto Escalza Jiménez, A}, isbn={2605-0110}, year={2020}, url={https://www.npunto.es/revista/31/tratamiento-fisioterapico-de-la-escoliosis-idiopatica-mediante-ejercicio-terapeutico}, description={PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT OF IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS BY THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE   ABSTRACT Idiopathic scoliosis is a lateral curve of the spine which is diagnosed most commonly in teenagers. Its cause remains unknown, although there are many different research about this topic, it is probably a ...} }